Astonishing Termite Facts you Didn't Know About

Astonishing Termite Facts you Didn't Know About by Ultima Search, best pest control management company in Mumbai

The first thing that comes to mind when anyone thinks about termites is how no one wants termites around their property. It's almost impressive how resilient they can be, though you're probably less impressed and more stressed when they're in your home. Here are a few facts about termites that make them a particularly annoying pest.


Here are 7 termite facts, sure to stun you:


1. They Work Quickly and Efficiently

Termites are what are known as decomposers. They break down plant and wood materials to clean up the forest. The wood and plant material they break down is valuable nutrients that feed other organisms. This valuable service helps the ecosystem, but not your property. As long as termites are away from human structures, their ability to devour wood and plant materials is beneficial. However, if they're in your home or business, they're decomposing your home. Unfortunately, they are very good at what they do and can make very quick work of your property's structure. 


2. They Are Social

Termites live in colonies. These colonies are made up of members working toward the colony's good. The three castes in a termite colony include soldiers defending the colony, workers collecting food for the colony, and reproductives charged with producing and caring for offspring. These complex colonies can grow to hundreds of thousands of members, and it has been reported that some colonies have numbers in the millions. Most of them live in wooden structures or under the ground, exactly where you can't see them. Of course, this is bad news for any homeowner discovering termites around their property. The ones you see are likely just the tip of the iceberg, and there may be many others below the surface eating your home.


3. They Can Communicate With Colony Members

Termites communicate with each other to target their next meal through vibrations, chemical signals (pheromones), and some sounds. Termites are strategic in their meal planning. They can spread the "word" about your property to other colonies. Termite colonies rarely fight with each other to protect their food source, which means multiple colonies can live on your property in harmony. Naturally, this is only more stressful for property owners. 


4. Termites and Ants Work Together

Ants will protect termite colonies from predators. Termite colonies have been known to provide food to ant colonies in exchange for protection, and you'll often see both colonies living near each other. The only real bright side of this is that one can indicate the other, so you have a warning sign. If you're seeing ants, get your home checked for termites and vice versa.


5. Termites Cause Tremendous Damage

The termite's ability to break down cellulose in wood is almost fascinating, if only it weren't so stress-inducing for homeowners. This trait can cost humans a pretty penny, as well as their sanity. According to sources, termites can cause billions of dollars worth of property damage annually. 


6. They Are Highly Adaptable

Termites can live in a variety of habitats. You can find termites in forests, wooded areas, deserts, suburbs, and urban areas. They are highly adaptable insects. Remember, they have been around for 250 million years, according to Wikipedia, so they're nothing if not resilient. They can withstand extreme temperatures, flood waters, and even some chemicals. In fact, many of them can regrow limbs after they've lost them. That's why you need experienced exterminators to get rid of them. They'll know which methods work and which don't. Even if you manage to get rid of the nest, you need a professional to ensure they don't come back.


7. Termites Don't Sleep

Termites work around the clock. They never sleep and they work their entire life non-stop. Because of this, the damage they cause can happen quickly. According to our experts, termites live one to two years on average, which is over 700 days of gnawing away at your home. Due to their determination and resilience, they'll quickly thrive if you let them. 


How can Ultima’s Termite Treatment Services help you get rid of them: 


Our termite management service begins with tedious identification and application of the correct medicine to deal with the infestation seamlessly. Ultima Search, best pest control management company in India, treats termite challenges (residential or commercial) with our unique water base chemical emulsion into 12 mm drilled holes, cracks and joints through an injection. Mainly feeding on wood and furniture, termite pest control teams target these areas to start with. We flush out termites infested in woodwork with oil base chemicals.