The effects of rat poison and how it works

The effects of rat poison and how it works explained by Ultima Search Professionals

Bromadiolone is a rodenticide ingredient responsible for killing rats and mice. Anticoagulants like bromadiolone help in preventing the blood from clotting unlike various other rat poisons, which have a prerequisite that multiple days of feeding is essential. Also, bromadiolone can be a lethal weapon from the very first day of feeding. This ingredient utilised in pest management by various brands around the world was first registered in the United States in 1980 and comes in the form of a white power that is odourless.


How does bromadiolone affect mammals?


In animals and in pets, this ingredient called “bromadiolone” works in a way of preventing the body from recycling vitamin K which is essential for blood clotting. Once animals have exhausted their vitamin K it can be fatal. Though it takes several days for the body’s stores of vitamin K to be exhausted, this ingredient sucks it all out within minutes. Therefore, animals who have consumed this ingredient die eventually.


Bromadiolone enters a rat’s body: What to expect?


To begin with, a large part of bromadiolone is broken down and leaves the body. In a research and live experiment done with rats, it was found that 89% of the dose consumed left the body within 4 days. However, with a longer period of time, bromadiolone tends to leave the body at a much slower rate compared to its first. The half-life during this second stage has been reported to be as long as 170 days. It can take a massive time for bromadiolone to be excreted from the body which allows for the buildup of bromadiolone in the body. This is especially true in cases of long-term, low-dose exposure for a mammal.


What happens when bromadiolone gets exposed to the environment?


Various studies show that bromadiolone baits when comes in contact with soil, 45-78% of the bromadiolone breaks down in the first 21 days. Some studies indicate that it may take longer to break down if the bromadiolone has reached underground with the help of animals where it has less exposure to the weather. As a fact, Bromadiolone has no or minimal potential to move on its own in soil. When tested in four different soil textures and types, 95% was found in the first three centimetres. However, research proved it was more mobile in sandy soil. On the other hand, while experienced in water, a half-life of 392 days has been derived. However, in some water conditions, bromadiolone may not break down. Additionally, Bromadiolone has a low potential to move up into the air. Bromadiolone is not ideal to be used near food items. However, when it was applied to soil, only trace levels moved up into plants.


How might I be exposed to bromadiolone?


You are most likely to come in contact with bromadiolone if you come in physical contact or consume it. Children and animals are more likely to accidentally consume it in the form of granules or baits. On the other hand, pets or wildlife may also be exposed if they eat another animal that has been poisoned with this ingredient before. As discussed above, bromadiolone does not get up into the air effectively and hence breathing it in is not common. As the availability of this ingredient is not on sale for the masses, you are more likely to get exposed to bromadiolone if your job involves applying pesticides. 


Note: One must read and follow label directions for minimum exposure to side effects.


Long-term protection and prevention by Ultima Search


Eliminating a rat or mouse infestation relieves the immediate problem. However significant numbers of rats and mice are consistently present outdoors near homes - whether in urban, suburban, or rural environments. Ultima Search, a professional pest management company knows how to set up ongoing protection to prevent rat or mouse re-infestation.