Signs your house is infested with bed bugs

Signs your house is infested with bed bugs by best pest control management company in India, Ultima Search

Bedbugs are insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. Adult bedbugs are reddish-brown, wingless, and about the size of an apple seed. They are flat with oval-shaped bodies. Young bedbugs, or nymphs, are smaller and can appear translucent or yellowish in color. If nymphs have not been recently fed, due to their coloring, they can be almost impossible to spot. Bedbug eggs are tiny and white.


Let’s begin with answering some basic bedbug questions 


Where can bedbugs live?

1. Apartments
2. Shelters
3. Hotels
4. Rooming houses
5. Dorm rooms
6. Cruise ships
7. Buses
8. Trains


How big are bedbugs?

An adult bedbug is roughly 5 to 7 millimeters long or about the size of a small head on a currency coin. 


Where are bedbugs found?

Bedbugs are found all over the world. While you may think of bedbugs as a problem in only developing parts of the world, you can find bedbugs in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. as well as Asia, Africa, and South America. Bedbugs can make their way just about anywhere.


What Causes Bedbugs?

Bedbugs usually get into your home from another place that's infested with them. If you live in an apartment or condominium, they can travel from another unit in your building. They might hitch a ride on used upholstered furniture. Or you could carry them in on luggage or a purse that you set down in a place that has bedbugs. They're tiny and good at hiding during the day, so it's easy for them to get into your home without you knowing it.  


How Can Bedbugs Be Harmful to My Health?

Bedbugs aren't considered dangerous. There's no evidence they can spread disease to people. But their bites can be itchy and uncomfortable. If you scratch a bedbug bite enough to break the skin, it could lead to an infection. Some people are allergic to the bites. For them, bites could lead to hives, blisters, or intense itching. See your doctor if this happens to you.


Here are some early signs of Bedbugs infestation in your home


The first sign of bedbugs may be small, itchy bites on your skin, often on your arms or shoulders. Bedbugs tend to leave clusters of bites rather than single bites here and there. But for some people, bedbug bites don't cause any marks or itching. You might also notice:


1. Blood spots on your sheets or mattress
2. Tiny pale yellow eggs or eggshells
3. Bedbug poop, black dots about the size of a period
4. The bedbugs' shed skin, which looks a lot like the bugs themselves
5. White, oval eggs that are about as big as an apple seed
6. A sweet, musty odor around your bed
7. Actual bedbugs in your bed


Bed Bug management services by Ultima Search


Our service begins with a robust bed bug inspection, utilization of labeled residual & nonresidual insecticide formulation. In order to get rid of bed bugs you need to understand the vitality of strict periodical follow-ups as well. Call in the Ultima Search experts today.